Whether you are looking full-function ecommerce web shop or a simple web site consisting of just a few pages we can fulfil your requirements and will tailor our approach to fit your budget.
Our case studies show that we have done projects ranging from static web pages designed to provide online brochure, to fully dynamic sites powered by a MySQL database that could hold your customer information, membership information, product descriptions and stock records.
By web hosting many of our client’s web sites we can guarantee that all the services and facilities used by your website are always available and compatible with each other. This is not always the case with third party hosting where unexpected compatibility issues can arise when new software is installed or upgraded by your ISP.
Using an established ecommerce application we can have a new web shop online very quickly. However, most clients will want to spend a little more time making their site look unique and styled to match their corporate look and feel. We can even pre-populate your website database with all your products using a semi-automated process provided you can supply your product details in an electronic format such as Excel spreadsheet, comma seperated text files, XML format and a range of others. If you product line is large this stage alone can save you weeks of data entry.
Our approach ensures you get a cost effective solution by concentrating on the aspects that benefit your business by adding value or saving you effort without re-inventing the wheel.
You can learn more about our services by exploring the Information Technology and Design Services sections using the menu bar on the left or to discuss your project contact us now.